xmovies8 Watch Movie The Princess Bride Online Free Site

Rob Reiner

Genre - Adventure

Scores - 366872 votes

Review - When a young boy falls ill, his grandfather pops round to visit him. To cheer his grandson up, Grandpa has brought a storybook; The Princess Bride, a tale of the love between the beautiful Buttercup and the besotted Westley, a love cruelly interrupted by Westley's tragic apparent death at sea when seeking his fortune. Heartbroken, Buttercup has sworn never to love again, but accepts the marriage proposal of the rich and handsome Prince Humperdinck, heir to the throne of Florin; but death is no barrier to true love, and in a story filled with exotically-accented swordsmen, big-hearted giants, genius kidnappers, sadistic torturers, vile swamps, Rodents of Unusual Size, the Dread Pirate Roberts and a somewhat embittered miracle worker, the love between Westley and Buttercup twists and turns on a path filled with adventure. Will the True Love of Westley and Buttercup win the day? Will Inigo Montaya find the six-fingered man who murdered his father? Will Humperdinck's evil plans come to fruition? And, more importantly, will Grandpa be able to tell the story without any of the yucky kissing?

country - USA

8,7 / 10





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Watch Movie The Princess Bride Online Free site web. I don't see how you couldn't like The Princess Bride. Everything that makes up this movie is incredible; the style of it, the acting, the scenery, everything is wonderful. I haven't read the original book that the movie is based on, but after seeing how god the movie is (courtesy of Rob Reiner) I should most definitely read it.
The casting is perfect. Cary Elwes plays Westly, a poor farm boy who is in love with Princess Buttercup (Robin Wright Penn) and follows her every command with "As you Wish." When Buttercup is captured by three men and then eventually forced to marry Prince Humperdinck (Chris Sarandon) It's up to Westly to rescue her. All of this is being told to A grandson (Fred Savage) by his grandpa (Peter Falk.
The scenery is beautiful. From the pirate ship out at sea facing the shrieking eels, to the deadly Fire Swamp, the visuals and scenery will leave you in awe. Don't forget about the Cliffs of Insanity, where and epic fencing battle takes place.
I remember watching this as a child and loving it very much. As I watch it again when I'm older, I love it just as much and I also realize how good of a movie it is altogether. If you haven't seen this movie, I HIGHLY recommend buying it right now instead of reading this. You'll want to keep it forever and watch it many many times.

I first saw this film while looking after my nephews for my godfather and thought it would be crap. I ended up laughing more than they did and actually stole the video from them until I could buy it on DVD. The fencing scene between Inigo and the Man in Black is simply the funniest scene in film history. I have tortured my friends to get them to watch it (with mixed reactions) and my girlfriend thinks I'm nuts but this is simply the greatest film ever made and the greatest story ever told.

Watch Movie The Princess Bride Online Free sites. Watch Movie The Princess Bride Online Free site. Watch Movie The Princess Bride Online free satellite. I last saw The Princess Bride around 20+ years ago. I can't recall what I thought of it then but I have always been aware that it has a great following. Having just re-watched it I am utterly dismayed that a film this poorly written, so poorly acted and with such a jarring almost absurdly bad musical score has such devotion. I can only guess that it's nostalgia that's clouding the minds of its fans. It's not even remotely funny and this coming from the guy that gave us This Is Spinal Tap? The sets look worse than the cheapest TV shows. It even makes reference to Australia being full if convicts yet has a Medieval period setting, hundreds of years before Autralia's convict influx. Did nobody vet the script? Where's the alleged humour? Please give me a funny line that I may have missed. This is woefully amateurish stuff.

Watch movie the princess bride online free sites to watch movies. Watch movie the princess bride online free site. This movie is smart, humorous, and completely fun. It has it all, love, action, humor, fun, violence, and Rodents of Unusual Size. I guarantee you will love this film. Robin Wright shines and Cary Elwes, of "Robin Hood, Men in Tights" is just right for the hero. Watch it today.



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